Auction Dates

Monday, april 1, 2024


 Auction Date   BTP BTU
Million of Pesos Thousands of UFs
BTP-2030 (R) BTP-2050 (R) BTU-2028 (R) BTU-2030 (R) BTU-2033 (R) BTU-2044 (R) BTU-2050 (R)
ISIN: CL0002454248 ISIN: CL0002502871 ISIN: CL0002668839 ISIN: CL0002444033 ISIN: CL0002668847 ISIN: CL0002080597 ISIN: CL0002502863
NEMO: BTP0470930 NEMO: BTP0510750 NEMO: BTU0001028 NEMO: BTU0190930 NEMO: BTU0001033 NEMO: BTU0300144 NEMO: BTU0210750
1-sep-2030  15-jul-2050 1-oct-2028 1-sep-2030 1-oct-2033 1-ene-2044 15-jul-2050
10-abr-2024 70.000 - 2.000 - - 1.200 -
16-abr-2024 - 80.000 - 2.000 - - -
23-abr-2024 70.000 - 2.000 - - - 1.300
2-may-2024 - - - 2.000 - 1.200 -
14-may-2024 - 40.000 - 2.000 - - 1.400
28-may-2024 70.000 - 2.000 - - 1.200 -
4-jun-2024 - 40.000 - - 5.000 - 1.400
11-jun-2024 - - - 2.000 - 1.200 -
25-jun-2024 50.000 - 2.000 - 5.000 - -



  • (R): Reopening
  • This auction calendar may be subject to modifications in the event of significant changes in market conditions. If this occurs, you will be notified in a timely manner.




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